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Management Systems Development Organization

After the establishment of AKTUR, it has become inevitable to implement internationally recognized management systems for the continuity and effectiveness of success and rapid growth.

 Integrated Management Systems

With the introduction of internationally recognized management systems, a number of standards were first adopted and put into use widely.

ISO 9001 standards in 2004, OHSAS 18001 in 2005, ISO 14001 standards in 2009 were implemented in 12 of 16 facilities, and the Total Quality Management Philosophy was adopted in 2004 simultaneously. The Management Systems Development Organization has been established, which puts integrated management systems into use and for this purpose also undertakes the integrated development initiative with the R&D team.

 Integrated Management System Policy

To be a reliable and sought-after company with an understanding that fully meets the needs and expectations of its customers in national and international transportation,
• To carry out all kinds of work to identify and eliminate all possible product safety and quality risks with our customer-oriented service approach,
• To closely follow and implement the developments in the world in order to reduce costs and increase profitability,
• To fully fulfill our compliance obligations, along with all legal and standard conditions to which we are subject,
• To prevent the inconveniences that may arise later by producing the most appropriate, most accurate and most economical solutions in the fastest way,
• To ensure continuous improvement and development on the Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety Management System,
• To prevent pollution and protect the environment by minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities,
• Taking responsibility together with our employees by producing environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions and achieving our goals of continuous improvement every year,
• To prevent occupational accidents by providing occupational safety conditions,
• Ensuring the motivation of our employees, who are our most important resource, and contributing to the development of their competencies through continuous training,
• Keeping teamwork as a basis in achieving our goals,

QHSE Policies Based on Corporate Values

AKTUR’s company policy on quality, environment, health and safety (Corporate Policy for Quality, Health and Safety,Environment – QHSE) is built on three corporate values.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Providing high quality logistics solutions to its customers and their customers.
  • Employee Motivation: Unlocking the potential in individuals.
  • Operational Excellence: Continuously improving processes and services in order to meet expectations and provide services beyond expectations.
Our Quality Policy

To meet customer expectations by handling customer relations with a strategic approach and to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level.

Adapting innovations to its processes quickly and effectively in order to be the leading company in the sector and to maintain this quality.

To be one step ahead of its competitors in realizing new business models, to increase the variety and quality of services in order to continuously improve its processes.

To provide superior solutions to its customers by activating the role of its employees in the processes.


 Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

It provides and maintains safe facilities, operating and working conditions for its employees, visitors and suppliers.

It provides appropriate information and organizes trainings to its employees, suppliers and visitors in order to carry out all its activities with a sense of responsibility and an effective understanding.

Prioritizes employee health and work safety in planning and decision making.

Evaluates, researches and strives to minimize the effects of work activities on employee health and safety.

Establishes and maintains appropriate emergency (earthquake, fire, flood, civil defense, spill-leakage, product recall, etc.) action procedures and business continuity opportunities according to risks.

Adopts legal requirements as minimum standards; fulfills the legal and other requirements regarding occupational health and safety in force.

It carries out the necessary activities for the prevention of injuries and health deterioration and the continuous improvement of OHS management and OHS performance.

It determines the OHS targets and periodically reviews its targets by performing the necessary activities to achieve the targets.

Our Environmental Policy

of AKTUR; The basic principles that it undertakes to implement within the scope of its environmental policy with the aim of protecting the environment, using natural resources with maximum savings and efficiency, preventing pollution and leaving a cleaner and more livable environment for future generations;

To encourage all employees to play an active role in environmentally sensitive works, with a sense of common responsibility, by providing environmental training to all employees from the top management to the lowest unit,

To determine the environmental risks that may occur during its activities at its source, to create a systematic that ensures disposal in accordance with legal regulations and constantly improves,

To implement a resource management that includes natural resources and other resources with a sustainable development approach,

To comply with all legal regulations in force regarding the environment,

To implement an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001 Standard in line with the determined objectives and targets, and to ensure its continuity and development.

Customer Complaints Policy


To handle customer relations with a strategic approach, to meet customer expectations, and to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level;

It undertakes to provide solutions to customer complaints within 24 hours, to complete these solutions effectively and efficiently, to inform the customer about the process related to the complaint, to comply with legal regulations, to fulfill financial responsibilities towards customers and to provide relevant resources.


HSE-S Policy


In all steps of its services, it sees all the needs of its customers and the laws of the countries in which it operates as a minimum requirement.

In addition to the quality of its services; the health of its employees, the protection of the environment, and the safety of those affected by customer property and processes; It also operates effectively in its fields and carries out continuous improvement studies.

Within the scope of HSSE (Health, Safety, Environmental Security); maintains and develops the behavior-oriented safety system, monitors the behavior of employees and provides feedback and guidance.

During working hours, it prohibits the use of alcohol and drugs (drugs that will disrupt work concentration) and maintains existing controls to prevent their use.

It continues its efforts to prevent any sabotage or damage to all products it serves, along with dangerous goods, and to protect the people affected by its processes from existing risks, and provides the necessary information from service buyers for these studies.

By activating the role of the employees in the processes, it monitors and measures the HSSE processes and takes precautions regarding the detected nonconformities and continuously improves them.

Our Security Policy

The basic principles that AKTUR undertakes to implement within the framework of its employee, customer and occupational safety policy;

To protect the health and safety of its employees, customers and the public,

To ensure the safety of the environment,

Establishing and maintaining emergency (robbery, civil defense, scattering – leakage, product recall, etc.) action procedures and business continuity opportunities suitable for risks.



United Nations Global Compact

The Global Compact is a United Nations initiative created to organize businesses around the world on sustainability, social responsibility and the fight against corruption. This contract, which has no sanction; It aims to ensure that the parties act jointly on human rights, environment and the fight against corruption.

AKTUR has signed the United Nations Global Compact, which was signed by thousands of companies acting with a sense of responsibility towards society, on 12 November 2007.


10 Principles of the Global Compact

Human Rights
Principle 1: The business world should respect universal human rights and support their development.
Principle 2: The business world should not take part in behavior that is incompatible with human rights.

Labor and Labor Standards
Principle 3: The business world should respect the organization and collective bargaining/bargaining circle of employees.
Principle 4: The business world should work to completely eliminate forced work.
Principle 5: The business world should completely eliminate the use of child labor.
Principle 6: The business world should work for the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

Principle 7: The business world should support measures to be taken against environmental problems.
Principle 8: The business world should take the initiative to create more environmental awareness.
Principle 9: The business world should support the use and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

Principle 10: Businesses should work to eradicate all forms of corruption, including bribery and extortion.



  • To be a reliable and sought-after company with an understanding that fully meets the needs and expectations of its customers in the field of national and international transportation,
  • To carry out all kinds of work to identify and eliminate all possible product safety and quality risks with our customer-oriented service approach,
  • To follow and implement the developments in the world closely in order to reduce costs and increase profitability,
  • Fulfilling all our compliance obligations together with all legal and standard conditions to which we are subject,
  • Preventing non-conformities that may arise later by producing the most appropriate, most accurate and most economical solutions in the fastest way,
  • To ensure continuous improvement and development in Quality, Safety, Environment and Occupational Safety Management System,
  • Preventing pollution and protecting the environment by minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities,
  • Taking responsibility with our employees by producing environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions and achieving our goals of continuous improvement every year,
  • Preventing occupational accidents by providing occupational safety conditions,
  • To motivate our employees, who are our most important resource, and to contribute to the development of their competencies through continuous training
  • Basing on teamwork in achieving our goals,
  • To protect customers’ assets against possible threats in the supply chain, to carry out all kinds of work to identify and eliminate security risks for this purpose.INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY
  • Bilgi güvenliliğiyle ilgili karşılaşılabilecek tehditlere karşı sistemimizi güvenliğini güvence altına alabilmek ve sistemin sürekliliğini sağlamak amacıyla ISO 27001 standardına uyumlu bir Bilgi Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemini kurarak işletmeyi,
  • Sunduğumuz ürünler ve hizmetler ile ilgili olarak, sahip olduğumuz tüm bilgi varlıklarının ve ilgili taraflarımıza ait tüm bilgilerin, kişisel verilerin gizlilik, bütünlük ve erişilebilirliğini sağlamayı,
  • Bilgi varlıklarına yönelik riskleri yönetmeyi
  • Uluslararası yasal şartlar ile standart şartlarını karşılamayı,
  • Çalışanlarımızın bilgi güvenliği ile ilgili farkındalıklarını arttırmayı,
  • Bilgi güvenliği farkındalığını artırmak amacıyla teknik ve sosyal yetkinlikleri geliştirecek etkinlikler gerçekleştirmeyi
  • Bilgi güvenliği yönetim sistemini sürekli iyileştirmeyi ve geliştirmeyi


taahhüt ediyoruz.


