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  • aktur@akturltd.com
  • Akdeniz - Mersin / TÜRKİYE
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AKTUR; is aware of the fact that protecting nature and the environment is one of its most vital and fundamental duties.

For this reason, it carries out its work by adopting the motto of “logistics for a better world“. This slogan is an indication of the importance AKTUR attaches to the issue of showing sensitivity towards the environment. In this respect, it is very careful about Green Logistics, which includes the environmental practices of the sector.


Protecting the Environment is one of AKTUR’s Most Important Values.

Supporting all efforts to raise public awareness on nature and the environment; identifies environmental risks that may occur during its activities and ensures that its disposal is carried out in accordance with legal regulations.


For a More Liveable World

In a world where natural resources are depleted, habitats are limited and the damage done by humans to nature is increasing day by day, AKTUR believes that companies must fulfill their duty to leave a more livable world to future generations, to organize their processes in an environmentally friendly manner, to raise awareness of their employees, to protect natural life. It works to support non-governmental organizations working for…


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