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Information Security Policy
TS EN ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management and ISO/IEC 27002 Information technology – Security techniques – Application principles for information security controls standards in accordance with the Digitalisation Management Plan and to review the results for improvement,


To take preventive actions against risks related to the accessibility, confidentiality and integrity of information,
To protect the information assets of the organisation against all kinds of threats that may occur from inside or outside, intentionally or unintentionally,
To protect the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information against access by unauthorised persons who may attempt to disrupt it,
To provide accessibility to information as required by business processes,
To minimise the legal risks that may arise from security breaches by meeting the requirements of legal regulations,
To protect the reputation and investments of our company,
Prepare, maintain and test business continuity plans,
To ensure awareness raising by providing information security trainings to all personnel,
We accept and undertake to ensure the security of all kinds of data shared in information systems within AKTUR.